Sunday, June 1, 2008


I'm a really big Coldplay fanatic. So I'm really excited about their new album coming out later this month--Viva la Vida. I'm looking forward to this CD, since their last CD, X&Y, blew away my standards for music. Totally clean, lyrically deep, and musically exceptional, it has to be my favorite CD ever. I'd recommend checking it out from your library at least, if you've never heard of them.

Violet Hill. I thought I'd share:

*CORRECTION: It's not free, per say. It is available for listening on their website. It seems that they had a limited-time free download a while back, that's where I got it.


Nicole said...

Oh yup...Cold play totally rocks. I love their's what you would actually call 'music'. But um...Nuntius? Your youtube link is broken. :{



Araken said...

hmmm, never heard of them. say, can I post a review here to help me in Bryan Davis's contest? Please?

Nuntius said...

It seems not many people know about them, which is a pity.
A review? It wouldn't really be on topic, and this blog doesn't get many visitors anyway. Sorry. :/

Araken said...

But still, it's got to be seen by someone!

KaleCharis said...

It's seen by me :P

I've heard of Coldplay, I can't remember if I liked them or not. i'll have to listen to that sometime when I'm on a computer that has speakers hooked up. Who would you say they sound like?

Nuntius said...

They're good. Very good.
Do they sound like anyone else? Hmm, I'll have to get back to you about that. Or better yet, you can listen and decide for yourself.
Actually, I think my favorite of their songs must be X&Y.